Thursday, September 9, 2010

Burn Unit

Today I had another clinical class. I am doing my clinical's this semester at St. Francis Memorial in SF. It happens to have the only burn unit in the bay area (except for children which go to Oakland Children's Hospital).

I finished my clinical experience today at 4pm. However, I have heard that while patients were initially treated at area hospitals critical and severe patients are since being medivaced or ambulanced to St. Francis' burn unit. I find myself wondering how the hospital is doing. They have an amazing team there and I know they are providing the best possible care.

So far the most intimidating thing I will be doing in school is spending an entire clinical day in the burn unit. I am terrified, grossed out, and turned off by the burn unit, and even with my limited burn experiences thus far I know for certain it is not an area I want to work in. I am so very thankful that others have a heart and desire to work with such patients. However, I don't feel bad admitting that its the one area I cant handle. Some nurses cant handle working with kids, or don't like the elderly, or other populations, I have a very hard time with burns. But I am a student and in two weeks I will be spending my entire clinical experience in St. Francis' burn unit. There will definitely be patients from the San Bruno explosion tonight still recovering there when I am. I already think they are amazing people for surviving and enduring what they have to come. I cant decide if I want to know any more before that clinical as it scares me even more to learn their stories even before they are my patients.

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